JoAnn Latus School of Dance
07800 518654


We run classes Monday to Saturday at four different locations:

If you would like your child to attend a class but are unsure of which location and class is best then please contact us so we can help place your child in the most suitable class.


  • The full fees are due within the first two weeks of a new term. Any fees that remain unpaid by half term will incur a further £5.00 administrative charge. There may be a reduced rate if fees are paid early – please see individual details.
  • Correct uniform is to be worn to class at all times. This includes hair tied up off the face and in a Ballet bun for Grade 4 Ballet and above. Shoes must be correctly fitted and checked by the teacher if purchased from the Internet.
  • Parents will be invited to watch class at the end of term. Please do not ask to watch during other lessons, unless with prior agreement with the teacher.
  • Please notify the teacher or Jo of any illness/injury or if removing a child from the premises between their scheduled classes.
  • The school requires half a terms notice of intention to leave. Otherwise a bill will be produced for half a terms fees.
  • The school requires notification of alternative dance schools and genres that a pupil attends.
  • The school operates a strict NO BULLYING policy
  • Exams are offered at the discretion of the teacher.
  • As social media is prevalent, parents are asked to remind older pupils not to post inappropriate images of one another in class/changing room environment.
  • Children are not the responsibility of the school before or after the lessons that they attend. Unless by prior arrangement with the teacher; to drop off early, pick up late or for pupils to wait unattended between classes.
  • Students must attend all examination practises. Failure to do so may result in the student being removed from the examination session.